Goddess Viktoria Sway

Life Coach - BDSM Style

life coaching
nyc dominatrix
Life Experiences ~ Life Coach

Viktoria Sway - Dominatrix

I am Goddess Viktoria Sway, a Dominatrix and life coach. My methods are based on empathy, authenticity, and somatic processing when faced with the uncomfortable. My passion is helping you become comfortable in your skin. Transformational BDSM isn’t just about dominance and submission; it’s about helping you find your inner truth and feel good being you. I want to bring calmness to your life when things get tough and help you grow and find satisfaction in yourself.


I have an Animal Science degree from Michigan State University. Since then, I have spent many years caring for various animals on farms. This helped me learn how to understand what others need, even when they can’t say it, which translates well to coaching humans and the practice of BDSM.

Additionally, I have 12 years of experience in medical sales and management. I’ve attended many corporate training and leadership classes, learning to manage time, set goals, and lead others. I am almost done with my second bachelor’s degree, this time in Psychology. I have always been fascinated by human behavior and the complexities of the mind.


I have always been passionate about helping others, whether through my work in animal science or medical sales. But it wasn’t until I discovered life coaching that I found my calling. Being able to guide individuals on their journey toward self-discovery and personal growth brings me immense joy and fulfillment.


Throughout my years of experience, I have worked with individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds. This has given me a deep understanding and empathy for the struggles that people face in their daily lives. I have also witnessed firsthand how powerful it can be for someone to have a supportive and non-judgmental guide on their path to self-discovery.

Goddess Viktoria Sway

Personal Endevors

Outside of my professional endeavors, I am an avid equestrian. I ride, train, and compete in the sport of eventing three days a week. As a player and a devoted fan of hockey, I cheer passionately for the Red Wings. My love for the vibrant energy of the big city is insatiable—from its diverse food scene to captivating music, mesmerizing shows, and enlightening museums—I relish it all.

life coach

Perfect balance of Goddess and discipline

Goddess Viktoria Sway

Psychology, BDSM & Coaching

The field of psychology encompasses various aspects of human behavior, cognition, and emotion. It offers valuable insight into decision-making, motivation, and behavior change in life coaching. Psychologically informed coaching interventions can be more effective when based on personality theory, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and emotional intelligence. In the context of BDSM, psychology helps us understand the motivations behind engaging in such practices and their potential therapeutic benefits.

Scientific Study

Recent studies suggest that BDSM provides a consensual space for exploring identities, desires, and boundaries. It is essential to approach BDSM exploration with the guidance of a knowledgeable and supportive therapist or coach, as it is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment (Margolin, 2019) .

You ask, we answer

Life Coaching, BDSM & Psychology FAQ

Psychology and life coaching have a strong connection, as both disciplines aim to help individuals understand and navigate their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Life coaching draws upon psychological theories and techniques to facilitate personal growth and self-discovery in clients. By incorporating principles from psychology, coaches can better understand individuals’ motivations and provide effective guidance to help them achieve their goals.

Psychology and life coaching have a symbiotic relationship, as both disciplines share a common goal of promoting personal growth and well-being. Life coaches often draw upon psychological theories and techniques to understand their clients’ behaviors and emotions better. They can then use this knowledge to provide effective guidance and support towards achieving their clients’ goals. Conversely, concepts from life coaching, such as goal-setting and positive reinforcement, can also be beneficial in the practice of psychology. Together, they offer a holistic approach to understanding and improving human behavior and well-being. Overall, psychology provides valuable insight into human behavior and thought processes, making it an essential tool for life coaches to help individuals achieve their full potential and live authentic lives.

Psychology plays a crucial role in understanding the motivations and potential therapeutic benefits of engaging in BDSM activities. It helps us recognize that BDSM is not inherently pathological, but rather a consensual exploration of desires and boundaries. Through this lens, psychology can help individuals safely explore their identities and potentially process trauma within a controlled environment, leading to healing and recovery.


Psychology plays a significant role in decision-making and behavior change by helping individuals understand the underlying motivations and thought processes behind their actions. Through techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or emotional intelligence training, individuals can identify any patterns of thinking or behaviors that may be hindering their progress towards their goals.

Psychology plays a significant role in decision-making and behavior change by helping individuals understand the underlying motivations and thought processes behind their actions. Through techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or emotional intelligence training, individuals can identify any patterns of thinking or behaviors that may be hindering their progress towards their goals.

Some potential therapeutic benefits of engaging in BDSM include increased self-awareness, improved emotional regulation and communication skills, enhanced intimacy and trust within relationships, and the opportunity for cathartic release or stress relief. Additionally, engaging in BDSM activities can also help individuals explore their desires, boundaries, and sexuality in a safe and consensual manner, leading to greater self-acceptance and empowerment. However, it is important to note that BDSM activities should not be used as a substitute for professional therapy and individuals should always prioritize their safety and well-being above all else.


Psychology offers various theories and techniques that can help individuals understand their own behaviors and motivations. This self-awareness can lead to promoting authenticity by helping individuals identify any external factors or societal pressures that may be influencing them. Additionally, psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or emotional intelligence training can assist individuals in challenging these influences and aligning their actions with their authentic selves. By understanding and addressing the root causes of behaviors, individuals can make meaningful changes towards living a more authentic life.

Authenticity, in the context of psychology, refers to being true to oneself and one’s values and beliefs. It involves living in alignment with one’s innermost feelings and desires, rather than trying to conform to societal expectations or external pressures. Authenticity is often seen as a key component of self-actualization and personal growth, as it allows individuals to embrace their true selves and live a fulfilling life.

Psychology can provide a framework for individuals to safely explore themes related to their trauma in a controlled environment. It allows individuals to have control over the narrative of their experiences, providing them with a sense of empowerment and agency that can be therapeutic. Additionally, working with a knowledgeable and supportive therapist or coach can help individuals navigate any potential triggers or challenges that may arise during BDSM activities


BDSM can improve emotional intelligence by promoting self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills. In BDSM dynamics, individuals must have a deep understanding of their own emotions and boundaries and those of their partner(s). This heightened awareness can lead to improved emotional regulation and communication in both BDSM activities and everyday life. Additionally, the power dynamics present in BDSM can also foster empathy and understanding towards others’ needs and perspectives. By engaging in BDSM activities with consent, respect, and open communication, individuals can develop essential emotional intelligence skills that can benefit their relationships and overall well-being.

Cognitive-behavioral techniques can be applied in BDSM activities to help individuals understand and challenge any negative thoughts or beliefs they may have about themselves or the activity. By identifying and challenging these thoughts, individuals can develop a more positive mindset towards BDSM and feel more comfortable exploring their desires. Additionally, cognitive-behavioral techniques can also be used to address any potential fears or anxieties individuals may have about engaging in BDSM, making the experience more enjoyable and safe. In this way, psychology can support individuals in embracing their authentic selves and exploring their desires within a healthy and empowering framework.


Yes, BDSM practices can and should be viewed in a non-pathological way. While there has historically been a stigma surrounding BDSM activities and relationships, it is important to recognize that consensual and safe exploration of power dynamics and sexuality is not inherently pathological. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults and engage in open communication, BDSM can be a healthy and fulfilling form of expression and connection. By understanding the psychological principles behind BDSM dynamics, individuals and society can embrace this form of sexual expression without judgment or stigma.

Recent studies have challenged traditional beliefs and misconceptions surrounding BDSM, highlighting its potential therapeutic benefits and dispelling the notion that it is inherently harmful or pathological. These findings have led to a shift in the field of psychology towards understanding and accepting diverse forms of sexual expression and behavior. Additionally, research on BDSM has also shed light on the importance of consent, communication, and boundaries within all sexual activities, leading to a greater emphasis on these concepts in the field of psychology.


Several scientific studies shed light on the potential mental health benefits of BDSM and support the data mentioned above. Among them are:
  1. Wismeijer, A. A., & Van Assen, M. A. (2013). Psychological Characteristics of BDSM Practitioners. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(8), 1943–1952. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12192
  1. Connolly, P. H. (2006). Psychological Functioning of Bondage/Domination/Sado-Masochism (BDSM) Practitioners. Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality, 18(1), 79–120. https://doi.org/10.1300/J056v18n01_05
  2. Barker, M., Iantaffi, A., & Gupta, C. (2007). Kinky clients, kinky counselling? The challenges and potentials of BDSM. In L. Moon (Ed.), Feeling Queer or Queer Feelings? Radical Approaches to Counselling Sex, Sexualities and Genders (pp. 106–124). London: Routledge.
  3. Cutler, B. (2003). Partner selection, power dynamics, and sexual bargaining in self-defined BDSM couples. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco.
  4. Pascoal, P. M., Cardoso, D., & Henriques, R. (2015). Sexual Satisfaction and Distress in Sexual Functioning in a Sample of the BDSM Community: A Comparison Study between BDSM and Non-BDSM Contexts. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(4), 1052–1061. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12835\